Keep Cracks at Bay with Our Crack Sealing Services!

Experts in Preventing Water and Debris from Penetrating Cracks in Asphalt Surfaces:

Experts in Preventing Water and Debris from Penetrating Cracks in Asphalt Surfaces:

Did you know that preventing water and debris from penetrating cracks in your asphalt can significantly extend its lifespan? Our crack-sealing services can do that!

Yes, that’s true. We keep your asphalt surfaces in top shape by stopping water and debris from getting into those pesky cracks, ensuring your pavement’s longevity and durability.  At S&S Paving, we are committed to providing the best crack-sealing services that help prevent water and debris from compromising your asphalt surfaces. 

Trust our expertise to keep your pavement in optimal condition. Get a free quote today to begin the process.

Why Crack Sealing is Essential?

Water Damage Prevention

When water seeps into cracks, it leads to erosion of the underlying base and causes extensive damage over time. Crack sealing creates a waterproof barrier that prevents this infiltration.

Debris Protection

Keeping debris out of cracks prevents further widening and deterioration. This is especially important in high-traffic areas where debris can accumulate quickly.

Extended Lifespan

By addressing cracks early with the help of our team, you can significantly extend the lifespan of your asphalt surfaces, delaying the need for expensive repairs or replacements.

Our Crack Sealing Process

Inspection and Cleaning

  • Detailed Inspection: We start with a detailed inspection to assess the extent and type of cracks.
  • Cleaning the Cracks: Our experts thoroughly clean the cracks to remove debris, dirt, and vegetation, ensuring proper adhesion of the sealing material.

Choosing the Right Sealant

  • High-Quality Materials: We use only the best sealants specifically designed for the type of surface and climate conditions.
  • Customized Solutions: Our team selects the appropriate sealant based on the specific needs of your project.

Sealant Application

  • Professional Application: Our experienced technicians apply the sealant using specialized equipment to ensure even and effective sealing.
  • Sealing the Cracks: The sealant is applied directly into the cracks, filling them and creating a waterproof barrier.

Final Inspection and Cleanup

  • Quality Check: We conduct a final inspection to ensure all cracks are properly sealed and the work meets our high standards.
  • Cleanup: The work area is thoroughly cleaned, leaving your property neat.

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Seal Coating

Benefits of Professional Crack Sealing


Affordable Maintenance

Regular crack sealing is an affordable way to maintain your surfaces, preventing minor issues from becoming major problems.


Enhanced Appearance

Sealed cracks improve the overall appearance of your property, giving it a well-maintained look.


Weather Protection

Crack sealing protects your surfaces from the damaging effects of water, ice, and extreme temperatures.

Ideal Applications for Crack Sealing

Some ideal applications for crack sealing are:

  • Driveways: Our team keeps your driveway smooth and durable with regular crack sealing.
  • Parking Lots: We help you maintain a safe and attractive parking area for customers and employees.
  • Roadways: We also ensure safe and reliable roads by preventing cracks from expanding.
Ideal Applications for Crack Sealing

Do Not Wait for Minor Cracks to Turn into Major Problems! Schedule a Consultation Today:

Frequently Ask Question

Sealing cracks in asphalt surfaces is crucial because it prevents water and debris from penetrating the cracks, which can lead to further damage. Water infiltration can erode the underlying base, causing the cracks to widen and the asphalt to deteriorate more quickly. By sealing the cracks, you protect the integrity of the surface and extend its lifespan.

It’s recommended to inspect your asphalt surfaces for cracks at least once a year. Regular inspections help identify and address any new cracks early, preventing them from becoming larger and causing more significant damage.

We use high-quality sealants specifically formulated for asphalt surfaces. These sealants are designed to provide a durable, waterproof barrier that effectively prevents water and debris from penetrating the cracks. The type of sealant used may vary based on the specific needs of your surface and the local climate conditions.

The longevity of crack sealing depends on several factors, including the quality of the sealant used, the extent of the traffic on the surface, and the local weather conditions. Generally, professionally applied crack sealing can last several years,

but regular maintenance and inspections are recommended to ensure the ongoing protection of your asphalt surfaces

The longevity of crack sealing depends on several factors, including the quality of the sealant used, the extent of the traffic on the surface, and the local weather conditions. Generally, professionally applied crack sealing can last several years, but regular maintenance and inspections are recommended to ensure the ongoing protection of your asphalt surfaces